Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common refractive error of the eye in which light is focused incorrectly resulting in blurry distance vision. High levels of myopia increases the risk of retinal detachments, glaucoma, and maculopathy.
Myopia control is designed to slow down the progression of myopia, which will reduce the risks of these complications. What an exciting opportunity to finally have some control into how nearsighted your child will be! Gone are the days where we simply prescribe new glasses and wait to see how much change a child has every year.
There are several approaches to myopia control, including the use of specialized contact lenses (hard or soft), bifocal eyeglasses, or the daily use of low dose dilation drops.
At Out to See, we are happy to offer the first and only FDA approved soft contact lens for myopia control called MiSight. These are daily disposable lenses with minimal risks of complications. Initiation of treatment should be between the ages of 8-12. Dr. Mordue personally wishes this were an option when she was a kid!
If you would like to read more, you can find links below.